Infowars: Man Sues TSA For $5 Million Following Peanut Butter Arrest

24 hours in a cell  for joking about sandwich spread

An Arizona man who was arrested at the behest of  the TSA, following a wisecrack over a jar of peanut butter is suing the federal  agency for $5 million.

Frank Hannibal, 50, was detained and dragged from LaGuardia  Airport recently by police after a run-in with TSA agents over the jar of  gourmet sandwich spread.

“The liquid oil that separated from the peanut butter had  them baffled,” Hannibal told the New York Daily News.

Hannibal then commented to his wife and children that  “They’re looking to confiscate my explosives,” as TSA agents inspected the  16-ounce jar of “Crazy Richards” chunky peanut butter.

TSA screener Edwin Sanchez, overheard Hannibal’s remark, did  not see the funny side, and immediately called the cops, according to the court  complaint.

Hannibal spent the next 24 hours in a cell, during which time  he was fed a peanut butter sandwich by cops who later charged him with the  felony of “falsely reporting an incident”.

“It sounds laughable now but at the time to be led out of  there like a terrorist was unbelievable,” Hannibal tells the Daily News. “My  whole life was up in the air. It was a nightmare. My children were overwhelmed.  It was crazy.”

Hannibal has brought a $5-million-dollar lawsuit against the  TSA worker and the Port Authority officer who arrested him, all over a $7  confectionary which was returned to him upon his release from jail.

“It’s a sorry state of affairs in this country when sarcasm  is considered a felony,” his attorney, Alan D. Levine of Queens, noted, adding  that TSA agents need to act with common sense in such situations.

This is not an isolated incident. The TSA has a history of  concentrating on looking out for cakes and pies, as well as sauces, oils and vinegars.

The Homeland Security agency has also instituted a crack down on candy and cupcakes.

At the same time, people are routinely waltzing through  security lines with swords, knives, explosives and guns. Many agents are too busy  groping women and searching old people’s diapers to bother checking passports and flight passes.

Still, it’s good to know that the government is keeping  Americans safe from sandwich wielding jokers.

Click below to read Steve Watson’s article on infowars.

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